厚德明法,格物致公: 厚德,一方面是指中国政法大学的所有学生都应该具有崇高的道德修养,要具有人文关怀、培养人文情操,学会做人。 明法,一方面是指无论法科还是非法科学生都要通晓法律,具备法学的知识结构体系;另一方面更表明中国政法大学的学生应成为昌明法治的主力军,...

Call for applications for Max Planck Luxembourg PhD scholarships (2016)


The Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural

Law offers a limited number of PhD scholarships for foreign scholars to support their research

stay at the Institute for up to twelve months.




Scholarships are offered to PhD students who plan to undertake research at the Institute within

the Institute’s areas of research, i.e. international dispute resolution and comparative procedural





A complete application file must include the following documents (in English):

1.cover letter (max. 1 page), indicating the motivation and also the link of your research with the research of the Institute.

2.curriculum vitae (indicating grades of the university degrees)

3.a summary of the PhD project (max. 2 pages), including subject, description and working plan 

4.two (2) letters of recommendation (including one from the PhD supervisor, with his/her contact details)


Grant and benefits


The scholarship is paid in monthly installments of € 1500.

Selected scholars will be offered a working place in the library reading room of the Institute and

will have the opportunity to participate in the regular scientific events and other activities of the



Application details


Please follow this link for the online application:



Deadline for applications: 15 September 2015

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