Judge of the Residual Mechanism of the International Criminal Tribunals (MICT), Professor Daqun Liu Gave Lectures on International Criminal Trial in CUPL

Invited by the "2011 Plan" China Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization, the "111 Plan" Base for Evidence Science Innovation and Talent Recruitment and the Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science, Professor Daqun Liu of Collaborative Innovation Center for Judicial Civilization of CUPL gave lectures on International Criminal Trial for our students from December 3rd to 10th, 2018 in China University of Political Science and Law. Professor Liu is also the judge of MICT, the Vice President of ICTY and the judge of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

This course consists of eight lectures totally, containing the origin and general principles of International Criminal Law, International Criminal Courts, international crimes (genocide, war crimes, crime against humanity), personal liability, the rules of evidence and procedures in international criminal tribunals, fair trial and many other aspects of international criminal law. There are also teachers and students from other universities like East China University of Political Science and law (ECUPL) and University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) in class. The number of students in this year's class exceeded 100.

Professor Liu interacted with students by asking questions and the atmosphere of the classroom was strong. He explained the rules of evidence and procedures in international tribunals in hearing the cases and analyzed International Criminal Law in depth, combining with his own experience in international criminal tribunals and many cases, which was very realistic and instructive. Professor Liu also shared three unique experiences in studying international law with attendances – read news, read history and see the map.

After class, the students made the most of the opportunity to communicate with Professor Liu and asked lots of questions, Professor Liu patiently answered each question. After systematic learning including eight issues, students express that they benefit a lot from the course.

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