Professor Baosheng Zhang Attended the Xiangshan Science Conferences on the Topic of “Discussion on Key Issues among the Technology of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Laws”

Aimed at furnishing forward-looking guidance and strategic suggestions to the development of artificial intelligence, the S36th Xiangshan Science Conferences (“香山科学会议”, “XSSC”) was held in Beijing, China on November 11 to 12. More than 50 multidisciplinary and cross-cutting experts and scholars were present at the conference, conducting in-depth discussions on the following topics: (1) scientific setting of the requirements on ethics and laws under artificial intelligence;(2) the incorporation of the requirements on ethics and laws into the AI system; and (3) technology security risks in artificial intelligence and governance matters hereof.


Professor Baosheng Zhang, co-director of Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization ("CICJC"), professor in China University of Political Science and Law ("CUPL") and one of the executive chairmen of XSSC, made a report entitled "Thoughts on the Law System of Artificial Intelligence" as the core report of this conference, which aroused a heated discussion.

Professor Baosheng Zhang is making the core-issue report

Professor Minghui Xiong, adjunct professor of CICJC and professor in Sun Yat-sen University made a special report themed with "Artificial Intelligence Logic Modeling of Litigation Argumentation Game". And Bugao Xie, a postdoctoral student of Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science of CUPL, also attended this conference.

Professor Minghui Xiong is making a special report

Group Photo of Attendees for S36th XSSC

The XSSC was initiated by Ministry of Science and Technology of PRC in 1993, aiming to explore frontier issues about science and technology and promote innovation of knowledge.

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