Michele Taruffo

Michele Taruffo

Professor of Law in the School of Law of the University of Pavia (Italy)
B.A.- University of Pavia, 1965

Michele Taruffo is Professor of Law in the School of Law of the University of Pavia (Italy).He is a Overseas Key Member of the “111 Plan” of the PRC national government - Base for Evidence Science Innovation and Talent Recruitment,and a Research Fellow of the “2011 Plan” of the PRC national government - Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization.

civil litigation and dispute resolution
transnational litigation and arbitration
comparative law of evidence

·  Michele Taruffo:Studi sulla rilevanza della prova (1970).

·  Michele Taruffo:La motivazione della sentenza civile (1975).

·  Michele Taruffo:Il processo civile “adversary”nell’esperienza americana (1979).

·  Michele Taruffo:La giustizia civile inItalia dal ‘700 ad oggi (1980).

·  Michele Taruffo:Il vertice ambiguo. Saggi sulla Cassazione civile (1991).

·  Michele Taruffo:La prova dei fatti giuridici. Nozioni generali (1992).

·  Michele Taruffo:Abuse of Procedural Rights (1999).

·  Michele Taruffo:Sui confini. Scritti sulla giustizia civile (2002).

·  Michele Taruffo:Cinco lecciones mexicanas (2002).

·  L.P.Comoglio,C.Ferri and Michael Taruffo: Lezioni sul processo civile (4th ed., 2006).

·  Michele Taruffo:La prueba (2009).

·  Michele Taruffo:Páginas sobre justicia civil (2009).

·  Michele Taruffo:La semplice verità. Il giudice e lacostruzione dei fatti (2009) (publidhed also in Spanish and Portuguese).

·  Michele Taruff:La prueba.Articulos y Conferencias, Santiago de Chile 2009 .

·  Geoffrey C. Hazard and Michele Taruffo :American Civil Procedure. An Introduction.


·  Visiting professor, the Cornell Law School ,1994,1995 and 1996.

·  Visiting professor, the Hastings College of the Law of the University of California , 2003.

·  Member,Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.

·  Member,the AmericanLaw Institute.

·  Member,the Bielefelder Kreis.

·  Member,the International Association of Procedural Law.

·  Member,the Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Processual.

·  Member,the Academia Brasileira de Direito Constitutional.

·  Member,the Association Henri Capitant des Amis de la Culture Juridique Francaise.

·  Member,the Associazione Italiana di Diritto Comparato.

·  Member,the Associazione Italiana tragli Studiosi del Diritto Processuale.

·  Member,the scientific boards of several legal and philosophical journals.

·  Secretary General, the International Association of Procedural Law.

·  Member,the Scientific Committee of the 3rd Conference onEvidence Law and Forensic Science ( Bejing , China ).

·  Member,the Scientific Committee of the “Centro Studi Federico Stella sulla giustizia penale” .

·  Scientific Advisor,the ETS publisher ( Pisa , Italy ) for the collection JURA.

·  Scientific Advisor,the Editorial Marcial Pons (Madrid-Barcelona-Buenos Aires) for the collection on civil procedure.

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