Lin Chang

Lin Chang

Dean of Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science,CUPL
+86 10 5890 8516; +86 10 6292 6603
Faculty Room A711, Scientific Research Building
Curriculum Vitae (PDF) (627.5 KB)      
B.S. - Forensic Medicine at Shanxi Medical College, 1986
Advanced Pathology Training Program - West China University of Medial Science Forensic Medicine school, 1989-1991
Master of Laws -Peking University Law School, 2002

Dean of Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science, China University of Political Science and Law (“CUPL”)Professor of Forensic Science/PhD. Tutor. Vice Director of Key Laboratory for Evidence Law and Forensic Science of the Ministry of Education, Vice Director of “2011 Plan” of the PRC national government – Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization (“CICJC”), Director of Fada Institute of Forensic Medicine and Science (“FdFS”).



·   FORENSIC MEDICINE (English Edition) ,People’s Medical Publishing House 2014, Co-editor

·   REPORT ON EVIDENCE AND THE RULES OF LAW IN CHINA 2012, China University of Political Science and Law Press 2014,Co-editor

·   FORENSIC CULTURE RESEARCH ( 1st series ), China University of Political Science and Law Press 2014,Chief Editor

·   PRACTICAL FORENSIC MEDICINE, Science Press 2014,Associate Editor

·   FORENSIC SCIENCE, Peking University Press 2014, Co-editor

·   REPORT ON EVIDENCE AND THE RULES OF LAW IN CHINA 2011, China University of Political Science and Law Press 2013,Co-Editor

·   REPORT ON EVIDENCE AND THE RULES OF LAW IN CHINA 2010, China University of Political Science and Law Press 2012,Co-Editor

·   STUDY ON CHINESE FORENSIC SYSTEM AND EXPERT WITNESS, China University of Political Science and Law Press 2012,Sole Author

·   REPORT ON EVIDENCE AND THE RULES OF LAW IN CHINA 2009, China University of Political Science and Law Press 2011,Co-Editor

·   REPORT ON EVIDENCE AND THE RULES OF LAW IN CHINA 1978--2008, China University of Political Science and Law Press 2010,Co-Editor



·   CASES STUDY ON FORENSIC EXAMINATION, Publishing House of Chinese People’s Public Security University 2008,Chief Editor

·   GUIDELINES AND PRACTICE STUDIES ON TRAFFIC INJURIES ASSESSMENT, Publishing House of Chinese People’s Public Security University 2004, Chief Editor

·   DISABILITY ASSESSMENT AND PRODUCT’S RESPONSIBILITY, Publishing House of People’s Court 1999, Associate Editor


·   FORENSIC MEDICINE AND LAW (2nd  edition),People’s Medical Publishing House 2009, Co-editor

·   FORENSIC MEDICINE, China Renmin University Press 2008, Chief Editor

·   FORENSIC MEDICINE (2nd edition), Higher Education Press 2008, Associate Editor

·   FORENSIC MEDICINE AND LAW, Publishing House of Chinese People’s Public Security University 2002,Associate Editor



·   Analysis of the Cause of Chaos in Forensic Service in China,CHINESE JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES (2014, No.4)

·   Forensic Science in China--an Introduction, WORLD FORENSIC FESTIVAL (Korea 2014)

·   On the Key Issues Regarding the Expert Witness System in Criminal Procedure, CHINESE JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES (2013, No.4)

·   Study on the Examination Principle of Injury Degree,EVIDENCE SCIENCE (2013, No. 6)

·   Report on Zhejiang Management Mode of Forensic System, FORENSIC MANAGEMENT REFERENCE editing by Bureau of Judicial Expertise Administration Ministry of Justice (2013, No.4)

·   Current Medico-legal Death Investigation System in China,JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES(2011), Vol.56 Iss.4, pp930-933.

·   A Comparison Study of Homicides Between Beijing, China and the State of Maryland, United States, 2011 AAFS Annual Meeting (Proceeding Volume 17)

·   Who is the Gatekeeper of Forensic Evidence? EVIDENCE SCIENCE (2010, No. 5)

·   Study on Issues Related to Forensic Service and “Case Closed and Dispute Terminated, EVIDENCE SCIENCE (2009, No. 5)

·   Study on Forensic Science Opinions, CASE STUDIES ON FORENSIC SCIENCE, Publishing House of Chinese People’s Public Security University 2008

·   Ten Major Issues on the Reform of Forensic Science, EVIDENCE LAW REVIEW (2007, No.13)

·   Discussion on the Identification Standard and Principles of Injury Degree, CHINESE JOURNAL OF FORENSIC MEDICINE (2007, No.3)

·   Study on Subject Positioning of Forensic Pathology and Identification Issues, CRIMINAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY STUDIES (2007,1st Volume)

·   The Relationship of Forensic Medicine Opinions and Details of the Case, THE JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICINE (2007,No.4)

·   Qualification of Judicial Authenticator, CHINESE JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES (2002, No.3)

·   Comments on Judicial Authenticator Listing System,THE JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICINE (2002,No.2)

·   Discussion on the Framework of Forensic Science Organizations, CHINESE JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES (2002, No.2)

·   Discussion on Forensic Clinical Medicine, THE JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICINE (2000,Supplement)

·   Forensic Medicine in Spinal Column and Cord Injury, THE JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICINE (1999, No.2)

·   Epilepsy and Its Forensic Assessments,THE JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICINE (1997, No.4)

·   Compensation of Human Body Injury and Related Forensic Medical Issues (1,2), THE JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICINE (1996, No.3/1997, No.1)

·   Discussion on Clinic Behavior, Evidence and Related Legal Issues,THE JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICINE (1996, No.2)

·   Physician of Traumatic Department and Forensic Medicine, THE JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICINE (1995, No.4)

·   The Analysis of Characters of Non-accident Violence in Children and Teenage Group, THE JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICINE (1995, No.3)

·   Consequence Theory in Forensic Medicine, THE JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICINE (1995, No.2)

·   Case Reports of Muscle Contracture Syndrome After Injury, CHINESE JOURNAL OF FORENSIC MEDICINE (1995, No.1)

·   Comments on Justice and Forensic Medical Practice Under New Situation, JOURNAL OF JUSTICE PRACTICE (1994, No.3)

·   Discussion on the Injury Degree of Minor Head Injury, THE JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICINE (1994, No.2)

·   Discussion on Forensic Autopsy Operation, FORENSIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (1994, No.1)

·   Suggestion about Compensation for Disabled Life Subsidy, STUDY OF JUSTICE PRACTICE (1992, No.5)

·   The Criterion of Compensation for Disabled Life Subsidy after Injury, THE JOURNAL OF FORENSIC MEDICINE (1992, No.3)

·   The Study of Working Ability Assessment after Injury, THE JOURNAL OF FORENSIC MEDICINE  (1992, No.3)


Research Project: 

·   Team Leader, Sub Task of Studies on Key Technology of Forensic Science (2012), National Science and Technology Support Program (Project No. 2012BAK16B02-2)

·   Team Leader, Studies on Influencing Factors Model of Traffic Injuries (2008), National Natural Science Foundation Special Fund (Project No. 70740001)

·   Chief Expert, Studies on Legal Problems in Solution System of Medical Tangle (2006), China Ministry of Education Major Project (Project No. 06JZD009)

·   Team Leader, Studies on Chinese Expert Witness System (2006), China Ministry of Education General Project (Project No. 06JA820040)


·   Deputy Director, Journal of Evidence Science

·   Editor of Board , Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine

·   Vice Director of Board, Chinese Forensic Medicine Association, Forensic Clinical Medicine Branch

·   Committee member, Standardization Committee of Forensic Science of China, Forensic Medicine Branch

·   Executive Committee Member, International Association of Evidence Law and Forensic Science

·   Standing Director, Chinese Health Law Association

·   Expert, Chinese Medical Association and Beijing Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, Malpractice examination Branch


·   Legal Problems of Forensic Science,

·   Forensic Pathology, Forensic Clinical Medicine,

·   Medicine and Law

英文版-页底列表(Bottom List)