辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2023年第31卷第1期 双月刊


2023年第31卷第1期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期


翟晚枫 张宁 花锋

(公安部鉴定中心,北京 100038)

【摘 要】“可操作性”是标准质量的重要特性之一,在高度注重应用实效的法庭科学标准化领域受到了越来越多的关注,也逐渐显现出泛化和异化的倾向。为此,本文首先厘定了标准可操作性的概念,明确了可操作性的衡量标准;归纳、分析了技术细节不足、刚性条款不足、现实适配性不足等可操作性方面的问题表现及其原因;提出警惕可操作性的泛化和异化,正视其局限;建议增加标准中的指导性内容,加强科学研究、实践验证、宣贯培训、质量评估、标准修订,以及借助信息技术手段,从而合理增强标准可操作性,以期为提升法庭科学标准质量提供参考。

【关键词】 法庭科学;标准;可操作性




Studies on operability of forensic science standards.Zhai Wanfeng, Zhang Ning, Hua Feng. Institute of Forensic Science, Ministry of Public Security, Beijing 100038.

Abstract】"Operability" is an important characteristics of the quality of standard. It has received more and more attention in the field of forensic science standardization, which highly emphasizes the effectiveness of practical application. The understanding of operability gradually follows a tendency of either generalization or alienation. This paper defines the concept of operability and the measurement of operability. This paper then analyzes the problems, such as insufficient technical details, insufficient strict rules and insufficient practical adaptability, and the causes of these problems. This paper also puts forward that we should be alert to the generalization and alienation of the operability and face up to its limitations. In hope of providing reference for improving the quality of forensic science standards, the standard of operability should be reasonably enhanced by increasing the guiding instructions in the standard, strengthening scientific research, practical verification, publicity and implementation of training, quality evaluation and revision of standards, and making use of information technology.

Key Words】Forensic science; Standard; Operability

  1. 法庭科学标准的可操作性研究.pdf (已下载次)