辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2023年第31卷第5期 双月刊


2023年第31卷第5期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期


—— 以美国《联邦证据规则》修立流变为镜鉴






Reflections on the legislative model in the codification controversy of evidence law——a focus on the evolvement of enactment and revision of the U.S.federal rules of evidence.Jia Yunjing,China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 100088.

【Abstract】The codification of evidence law in the United States takes the Federal Rules of Evidence as a node and roughly goes through four developing stages:the preparation period,the formation period,the hard time period,and the concentrated reflection period.In addition to the long-term accumulation of case law,the maturity of theoretical preparation,and the repeated adjustment of legislative approaches,the codification is also driven by factors such as the rationalization of the codification development,the practical need for clear and unified rules,and the substantive need for judicial power restriction.From the theoretical point of view,the codification process is related to the choice of the purification of evidence law,which is also a cause of the difficulties encountered in the subsequent codification.The subsequent difficultes are also related to other theoretical issues,such as the solidity of the foundation of the evidence rules,the complexity in the application of the codified evidence law and common law,as well as the stability and rigidity of legislation.The examination of such evolvement and analysis of the theories could enlighten the reflectionson the evidence legislation model in our country.The codification of evidence law in our country requires consideration of the necessity of the statutes codification,the relationship between evidence law and procedural law,as well as the way to limit the judges'discretion.It should also take into account the legislative basis that has existed and the technical problems of legislation in the information technology era.

【Key Words】Evidence law;Codification;Federal rules of evidence;Legislative model

  1. 证据法法典化论争下的立法模式省思.pdf (已下载次)