辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2023年第31卷第1期 双月刊


2023年第31卷第1期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



(最高人民检察院第六检察厅,北京 100726)

【摘 要】司法解释的修改对民事审判监督程序中新证据的认定标准进行了根本性重构,以能否证明原判决、裁定错误作为新证据的认定标准。但是,现行司法解释仍然欠缺检察机关对新证据的审查认证程序、运用规则的具体规范,可能导致检察机关对新证据运用的失当。因此,有必要对检察机关参与形成的新证据类型进行梳理并明确其特点,将检察机关对新证据的审查程序与现有制度相结合,有效审查新证据的证据能力和证明力,恰当适用民事诉讼相关证明标准,准确判断新证据能否证明原判决、裁定确有错误。另外,建议完善检察机关在再审庭审中对新证据的出示和说明职责、明确以检察机关基于新证据认定的事实作为再审裁判的基础、增加检察机关对当事人逾期提出新证据的惩戒权力等,完善民事审判监督程序中检察机关新证据运用机制,适当履行检察监督职权。

【关键词】 民事检察监督;新的证据;调查核实;检察听证;自由心证




Investigation and application of new evidence by procuratorial organs in civil trial supervision procedure. Li Dayang. The Sixth Procuratorate Department of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Beijing 100726.

Abstract】The revision of judicial interpretation fundamentally reconstructs the identification standard of new evidence in the civil trial supervision procedure. That is, whether the original judgment and ruling can be proved wrong is perceived as the identification standard of new evidence. However, the current judicial interpretation still lacks the specific norms of procuratorial organs on the examination and certification procedures rules for new evidence, which may lead to the improper application of new evidence by procuratorial organs. Therefore, it is necessary to sort out the types of new evidence formed by procuratorial organs and to clarify their characteristics. The review procedure of new evidence should be coherent with the existing system, thus to review the admissibility and probative force of new evidence effectively, to apply the standards of proof related to civil litigation appropriately, and to judge whether the new evidence can prove that the original judgment and ruling are wrong accurately. In addition, it is suggested to refine the responsibility of the procuratorial organ for the production and explanation of new evidence in the retrial trial. to clarify the facts identified by the procuratorial organ based on the new evidence as the basis of the retrial judgment, to increase the disciplinary power of the procuratorial organ for the parties to submit new evidence overdue, to improve the mechanism for the procuratorial organ to use new evidence in the civil trial supervision procedure, and to perform the functions and powers of procuratorial supervision properly.

Key Words】 Civil procuratorial supervision; New evidence; Investigation to verify; Procuratorial hearing;Free evaluation of evidence

  1. 民事审判监督程序中检察机关对新证据的查证与运用.pdf (已下载次)