辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2022年第30卷第5期 双月刊


2022年第30卷第5期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



(中国人民大学法学院,北京 100086)

【摘 要】 伊朗的司法审判以人证为主要证明手段,其证据规则也以证人证言为主要规范对象。伊朗的证人制度具有规范证明的特色,设立了相当严格的证据标准,包括证人资格的标准、证人数量的标准和审查认定证言的标准。伊朗的证人制度在适用酷刑方面发挥了“以宽济严”的作用。受伊斯兰教文化传统的影响,伊朗的证人制度存在性别歧视的缺陷,主要表现为妇女作证受限和女性证言的证明力低于男性证言的证明力。





Comments and analysis on the witness system in Iran. He Jiahong & Farnoush Fanaei. The Law School,Renmin University of China.

Abstract】The judicial trial in Islamic countries takes witness testimony as the main means of proof, and Islamic evidence rules also focus on witness testimony. The witness system in Islamic countries features regulated proof, under which a fairly strict standard of evidence rules has been established, including the standard of witness qualification, the standard of witness number, and the standard of testimony assessment. The witness system in Islamic countries has played a role of “tempering justice with mercy” in the fight against torture. Influenced by Islamic cultural tradition, gender discrimination is an unavoidable defect in the witness system in Islamic countries. Female's testimony is limited, and the probative value of female's testimony is lower than that of male's testimony.

Key Words】Islamic law; Witness system; Witness qualification; Number of witness; Gender discrimination

  1. 伊朗的证人制度评析.pdf (已下载次)