辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2022年第30卷第1期 双月刊


2022年第30卷第1期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



(西北政法大学,西安 710100)

【摘 要】认罪认罚具结书因可以被用于证明被追诉人之认罪认罚表意,特别是认罪供述作出过程的自愿性、明智性和合法性,满足“可以用于证明案件事实的材料”特征而具有证据资格。因满足笔录类证据所具有的制作主体特定、记录形式书面、形成过程同步的基本特征而可以被归类为“过程性”笔录类证据。认罪案件庭审之下,建立在认罪认罚具结书之上的认罪要义审查既与现代刑事司法之书面司法要义相契合,又与认罪案件所适用的确认式庭审样态相因应,因而存在适用上的正当性与合理性。为防范认罪认罚之自愿性审查流于形式,避免认罪认罚从宽制度演变为一种“为认罪而认罪”“为简易而简易”的机械化司法现象,刑事立法与刑事司法至少应当在确立形式审查与实质审查相结合的笔录类证据审查模式,完善认罪认罚具结书形成过程中的程序保障机制,强化认罪案件审判程序下刑事法官的庭前阅卷职责等方面明晰认罪认罚具结书的司法适用面向。





On the nature of record and judicial application of the affidavit of guilty admission and punishment acceptance. Bu Yangyang, Northwest University of Political Science and Law, XIAN 710122.

Abstract】The affidavit of guilty admission and punishment acceptance is qualified as evidence because it can be used to prove the intention of the accused to admit guilt and accept punishment, in particular the voluntariness, wiseness and legitimacy of the confession process, and meets the characteristics of “materials that can be used to certify the facts of the case”. It can be classified as “procedural” transcript evidence because it satisfies the basic characteristics of specific production subject, written record form and synchronous formation process. Under the trial of the plea leniency cases, the review of the essence of guilty admission, which is based on the affidavit of guilty admission and punishment acceptance, not only conforms to the written judicial essentials of modern criminal justice, but also corresponds to the mode of confirmation trial which is applicable to the guilty admission cases, hence there is legitimacy and rationality in application. In order to prevent the voluntary review of guilty admission and punishment acceptance from being a mere formality and to avoid the system of guilty admission and punishment acceptance with leniency becoming a mechanized judicial phenomenon of “confession for confession” and “simplicity for simplicity”, criminal legislation and criminal justice should at least clarify the judicial application of the affidavit of guilty admission and punishment acceptance in the aspects of establishing a transcript evidence review model that combines formal review and substantive review, improving the procedural guarantee mechanism in the process of signing the affidavit of guilty admission and punishment acceptance, strengthening the criminal judge’s pre-trial duty of reading case records under the trial procedure of the guilty admission cases, etc.

Key Words】The affidavit of guilty admission and punishment acceptance; Transcript evidence; File transcript centralism; Judicial application

  1. 论认罪认罚具结书的笔录性质及司法适用.pdf (已下载次)