辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2022年第30卷第1期 双月刊


2022年第30卷第1期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期

情报生成范式下系谱侦查的新工具:DNA 远程家族搜索

(河南警察学院,河南 郑州 450046)

【摘 要】DNA远程家族搜索的出现是 DNA 数据库应用从证据构建范式转向情报生成范式的产物。它在扩大亲缘关系搜索的范围、提高侦查能力的同时,亦使警方侦查的触角从传统法医 DNA 数据库延伸到了公共 DNA 数据库之内。尽管,DNA 远程家族搜索给改良传统法医 DNA 数据库搜索提供了宝贵的思路,并具有重要的借鉴价值,然而,值得警惕的是,DNA 远程家族搜索中亦蕴含着侦查权边界外溢、公民隐私权侵犯以及算法黑箱内的偏见等潜在风险。因此,从长远的角度来看,构建一个通用的全民DNA 数据库或许是实现未实施犯罪人的隐私权与受害者获得正义的权利以及保护公共安全需要之间平衡的理想解决方案。

【关键词】 系谱侦查;法医遗传学;遗传系谱学;DNA 技术;大数据;DNA 数据库




A new tool for genealogical investigation under the intelligence generation paradigm: the long-range familial DNA searching. Fang Bin. Henan Police College, Henan, Zhengzhou 450046.

Abstract】The emergence of long-range familial DNA searching is the product of the transformative usage of DNA database from the evidence construction paradigm to the intelligence generation paradigm. It not only expands the scope of kinship testing and improves the investigative capacity, but also extends law enforcement investigative search from the traditional forensic DNA database to the public DNA database. Although the longrange familial DNA searching provides valuable lessons and valuable reference for improving traditional forensic DNA database search, it is worth noting that the long-range familial DNA searching bears potential risks relating to the expansion of criminal investigation boundary, the invasion of generic privacy and the bias in the algorithm black box. In the long run, therefore, establishing a public accessible universal DNA database may be the ideal solution to strike a balance between the non-perpetrators’ privacy protection and the needs of promoting the victims’ right to justice and protecting public safety.

Key Words】 Genealogical investigation; Forensic genetics; Genetic genealogy; DNA technology; Big data; DNA database


  1. 情报生成范式下系谱侦查的新工具:DNA远程家族搜索.pdf (已下载次)