辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2021年第29卷第5期 双月刊


2021年第29卷第5期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期




(吉林大学法学院,长春 130012)

【摘 要】司法裁判的过程也是裁判者认定事实的过程。受制于人类认识能力的局限性、证据有限性等客观因素的影响,使得人类认识永远存在未知领域。裁判者对案件事实审理也不可避免出现三种心证状态:已证明、未证明、真伪不明。通过对“真伪不明”刑事裁判文书进行实证研究发现,裁判者并不能正确认识事实“真伪不明”状态。实践中存在将证据“真伪不明”混同事实“真伪不明”、将生活事实“模糊不清”混同要件事实“真伪不明”、“真伪不明”形成条件形骸化、“真伪不明”裁判方法随意化等乱象。亟待对“真伪不明”进行理论澄清,应正确对待证据“真伪不明”、区分生活事实“模糊不清”与要件事实“真伪不明”、实现“真伪不明”形成条件实质化并以证明责任为核心,重构事实“真伪不明”的裁判规范,以期引导裁判者在面临事实“真伪不明”时作出公正的裁决。





Misunderstanding and clarification of the “Non Liquet” of facts: Based on data analysis of China judgments online. Zhou Yingying. Jilin University, Law school, Changchun, Jilin, 130012.

Abstract】The process of judicial adjudication is also a process by which the judges try to find the facts. Subject to the limitations of human cognitive ability, limited evidence and other objective factors, there will always be unknown areas in human knowledge. There are inevitably three states in judges’ mind during the trial of the fact finding: proven, unproven, and non liquet. Through empirical research on “non liquet” criminal judgment documents, it was found that the many judges cannot correctly understand the state of “non liquet” of facts. In practice, there are following chaos about non liquet, such as, the evidence of “non liquet” being confused with the facts of “non liquet”, the ambiguous facts in daily life being confused with the ultimate facts of “non liquet”, the forming conditions of “non liquet” being formalization and the judgment methods of “non liquet” being arbitrary. There is an urgent need for theoretical clarification of the “non liquet”. It is important to treat the evidence of “non liquet” correctly, to distinguish between the ambiguous facts in daily life and the ultimate facts of “non liquet”, and to realize the substantive forming conditions of “non liquet” by taking burden of proof as the core. It is also urgent to reconstruct the judging norms of the facts of “non liquet”, in order to guide the judges to make a fair decision when they faced with the facts of “non liquet”.

Key Words】Non liquet; Burden of proof; Ultimate facts; Formalization


  1. 事实“真伪不明”认识误解与澄清.pdf (已下载次)