辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2021年第29卷第4期 双月刊


2021年第29卷第4期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



(西安财经大学 法学院,陕西 西安 710061)

【摘 要】作为孤证不能定案规则的牵连适用,孤证补强规则的价值在服务于提高案件事实认定准确性的同时,通过与其他证明力救济方式的配合,消解孤证不能定案规则的作用效果。应予补强的孤证除应满足刑事补强证据规则对主证据的一般性要求外,孤证补强主要适用于能够证明影响定罪量刑且不利于被告人的案件事实的证据,此类孤证既可以直接指向主要事实,也可以指向中间事实。除合法性要求外,孤证的补强证据只能指向能够推论孤证所证待证事实的中间事实,且孤证补强规则对其证明力仅作最低限度的要求。若需要补强的是证明证据合法性的说明材料,囿于说明材料是侦查机关自证合法的方式,则其补强证据只能是能够证明取证过程合法的证据。若需要补强的是裁量性补强的其他孤证,则其补强证据既不能是传闻证据,也不能是借由言词证据发现的其他证据。

【关键词】 孤证;补强;价值;主证据;补强证据




On the corroboration of solitary evidence. Zhao Feilong. Law School,Xi’an University of Finance and Economics,Xi’an 710061, China.

Abstract】As the implicative application of the rule that a verdict cannot be based on solitary evidence,“corroboration of solitary evidence” serves to improve the accuracy of determination of facts of the case. At the same time, through the cooperation with other means of probative-value assessment, “corroboration of solitary evidence” dissipates the effect of the rule that a verdict cannot be only based on solitary evidence. In addition to satisfying the general requirements of criminal corroboration requirement, the “corroboration of solitary evidence” principle is mainly applicable to evidence that affects conviction and sentencing, and is unfavorable to the defendant. Such solitary evidence can point either directly to the main facts or to intermediate facts. In addition to the requirement of legality, solitary evidence can only point to intermediate facts that can be used to infer the facts to be proved, and the “corroboration of solitary evidence” principle only put a minimum requirement on it.If the evidence to be reinforced is explanatory material that proves legality of evidence, and the explanatory material is a way for the investigating authorities to prove the legality of the evidence, then the corroborative evidence can only be evidence that proves the legality of evidence-collection process. If the evidence to be corroborated is other solitary evidence that is discretionary,the corroborative evidence cannot be hearsay or other evidence in means of verbal evidence.

Key Words】Solitary evidence; Corroboration; Value; Primary evidence; Corroborative evidence

  1. 孤证补强论.pdf (已下载次)