辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2021年第29卷第4期 双月刊


2021年第29卷第4期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期


(西北政法大学公安学院,西安 710063;中国政法大学刑事司法学院,北京 100088)

【摘 要】全面深化“以审判为中心”诉讼制度改革愿景进程中,审前程序侦查取证的功能和目标亦呈现适应性变化,如何减少证据检验认知偏差是一个值得关注的理论问题。本文审查验证刑事电子数据的多元关联以及综合分析等检验模式的转型,通过“整体主义”证明模式引入和“故事模型”理论的范例演示,求证侦查程序中电子数据收集、调取与检验从“原子分析”到“整体认知”的可行性,并在此基础之上作出理论推进与程序指引,进而为规范电子数据取证检验模式并抵近司法公正提供参照。





Criminal electronic data examination model:Transformation, demonstration and procedural guidelines.Gui Mengmei, Su Zhiyuan. School of Public Security, Northwest University of Political Science and Law, Xian,Shanxi Province 710062, China; School of Criminal Justice,China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 100088, China.

Abstract】In the process of comprehensively deepening the vision of the "trial-centered" litigation system reform, the functions and objectives of evidence collection in pre-trial investigations have undergone changes in accordance with the general trend. In this new trend, a theoretical issue worthy of attention is how to reduce the cognitive bias wrapped in the examination of evidence. By examining the transformation of criminal electronic data examination model represented by multivariate correlation analysis and comprehensive analysis, and through the introduction of the "holism" proof model and the demonstration of the "story model" theory, we seek to demonstrate the feasibility of the evidence examination model transformation from "atomic analysis" to "integral analysis" as applied to the collection, retrieval and examination of electronic data in the investigative procedure. Based on the above analysis, traditional theory would be promoted and procedural guidelines would be proposed. This paper would provide further reference for standardization of the electronic data examination model and the closest way of approaching judicial justice

Key Words】Electronic data; Examination model; Holism; Story model; Procedural guidelines


  1. 刑事电子数据检验模式:转型、演示与程序指引.pdf (已下载次)