辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2021年第29卷第4期 双月刊


2021年第29卷第4期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



(四川大学法学院,成都 610207;成都理工大学文法学院,成都 610059)

【摘 要】广受瞩目的“顾雏军案”再次涉及刑诉法中有专门知识的人之意见是否属于证据的问题,而学界、实务界对此一向存有争议。大量裁判文书案例显示,刑事司法实务中已不乏法院将有专门知识的人的意见作为证据以及定案根据的例子。与此同时,否定意见可以作为证据的观点,以“不属于法定证据种类”、“不是用于证明案件事实”、“有专门知识的人不具有独立的诉讼地位”为主要理由。通过对这些理由的一一辩驳,再结合证据法理层面的检视,可以认为有专门知识的人之意见,或为实质证据,或为辅助证据,均能作为证据使用,具有证据属性。当然,承认有专门知识的人的意见具有证据属性,不代表其最终可以成为定案根据,证据与定案根据是两个不同概念。此外,需要注意有专门知识的人之意见的使用领域,采纳和采信必须经过法庭调查、庭审质证,以及相应的审查判断等操作性问题。





Can the opinion of persons with expertise be used as evidence? -Thinking Based on Criminal Procedures.Song Dong. Sichuan University Law School, Chengdu 610207; Law School of Chengdu University of Technology,Chengdu 610059.

Abstract】The high-profile "Gu Chujun case" once again touched on the issue of whether the opinion of persons with expertise criminal procedures belongs to evidence which has always been controversial in the legal academic and practical circles. There are already many examples in criminal justice practice in which courts use the opinions of persons with expertise as evidence and the basis for ascertaining a fact. At the same time,the main reasons for denying such an opinion as admitted evidence are: “it does not belong to any statutory type of evidence in the P.R.C. Criminal Procedural Law”, “it is not for proving facts of the case” and “persons with expertise do not have independent litigation status under the law”. By refuting these reasons one by one, and examining from the perspective of evidence jurisprudence, this Article considers the opinions of persons with expertise either as substantive evidence or as auxiliary evidence which can be admitted by court as evidence and has the attribute of evidence under the law. Of course, such recognition that the opinions of people with expertise have the attribute of evidence under the law does not mean that these opinions can automatically be the basis of final decision, since evidence and the basis for ascertaining a fact are two different concepts. At the same time,it is necessary to pay attention to operational questions, such as the applicable scope of opinions of persons with expertise. And the admission and adoption of such opinions must go through the court investigation, cross examination in court, corresponding examination and determination.

Key Words】Persons with expertise; The attribute of opinions; Substantive evidence; Auxiliary evidence

  1. 有专门知识的人之意见能作为证据吗.pdf (已下载次)