辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2021年第29卷第3期 双月刊


2021年第29卷第3期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



(中国政法大学法律硕士学院,北京 100088)

【摘 要】出于对证据内容真实性的考量,英美法系确立了最佳证据规则。该规则作用于书证领域的一个“去误导性”解读,即在诉讼中书证原件被优先采纳,复制件在特定情形方可准入。我国三大诉讼均有书证原件优先适用,复制件例外适用的原则性规定,但仅有民事司法解释对何谓“提交书证原件确有困难”,也即复制件准入的具体情形作出规定。在刑事诉讼中,书证复制件准入规则表述空洞,具体情形阙如,从而导致复制件审查、运用的实践乱象。可参照民事既有规则探索刑事诉讼书证复制件准入情形具体化,但尚需审酌民、刑事诉讼在基础理念、基本原则、具体制度等方面的显著差别,并加以调整,方能形成与我国刑事诉讼相兼容的书证复制件准入规则。以小见大,我国不同诉讼领域证据规则的统一绝非简单地相互参照、罗列叠加,证据规则统一所面临的若干难题亟待破解。





Research on the admissibility of the duplicated documentary evidence in Chinese criminal procedure: Referencing to and adjusting on the corresponding rules of civil procedure. Huang Jian. China University of Political Science and Law, School of Juris Master, Beijing, 100088, China.

Abstract】In order to assure the authenticity of the evidence content, the common law system established the best evidence rule. This rule serves as a “removing misleading” interpretation in the field of documentary evidence, that is, in litigation, the original documents are preferred to be admitted, and copies can only be admitted in specific circumstances. In China, all the three legal procedures have the principle that the original documents should be preferred to be admitted and copies should be accepted as exceptions. However, only the civil judicial interpretation makes provisions on what is meant by “it is really difficult to submit the original documents”, that is, the specific circumstances for the admissibility of duplicates. In the criminal procedure, the expression of the rules about the admissibility of duplicated documentary evidence are general, and the specific situations are absent, which leads to confusions in legal practice. We can refer to the existing civil rules to explore the admissible situations of the duplicates in criminal procedure, but still need to consider the significant differences between civil and criminal litigation and adjust accordingly. Then we can form the compatible admissibility rules of the duplicates in China's criminal procedure. To broaden this discussion, the purpose to unify the evidence rules in different legal procedures is by no means a simple cross-reference or listing. When we think about the unification of the evidence rules, some difficulties need to be considered and explored.

Key Words】 Criminal documents; Copies’ admissibility; Specific circumstances; Uniform evidence rules

  1. 我国刑事诉讼书证复制件准入情形研究.pdf (已下载次)