辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2021年第29卷第3期 双月刊


2021年第29卷第3期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期




(三江学院,南京 210012)

【摘 要】事实证明问题是科学问题,不是价值问题。收集证据应该研究证据的分布规律,证据分布规律是举证责任规则的客观根据,是亟待探究和发现的规律。证据在行为人之间的分布遵循行为控制规律,即行为控制状态决定证据的分布状态。物质交换原理和控制论分别是行为控制规律的近现代科学依据。行为控制规律对证据收集和举证责任分配规则的制定具有指导意义。





The evidence distribution laws to be explored and discovered —— The laws of behavior control. Gong Dachun. Sanjiang University, Nanjing 210012, China.

Abstract】Proof of fact is a question of science, rather than a question of value. Evidence collection should start with the study of the evidence distribution laws. Evidence distribution laws are the basis of the rule of burden of proof, and need to be explored and discovered. Evidence distributed between actors follows the laws of behavior control, which means the state of behavior control decides that of evidence distribution. Meanwhile, the laws of behavior control are based on modern scientific theories of Matter-exchanging theory and the Cybernetics theory.The laws of behavior control reveal the inevitable relationship between the evidence distribution in the factual composition of legal liability and the actor’s state of behavior control. Thus, the laws of behavior control would play a significant role in making laws of the rules of evidence collection and the rules of distributing proof burden.

Key Words】The laws of evidence distribution; The burden of proof; The matter-exchanging theory; The cybernetics; The laws of behavior control


  1. 亟待探究和发现的证据分布规律.pdf (已下载次)