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(西北政法大学,西安 710063)
【摘 要】随着认罪认罚从宽制度的建立,刑事诉讼模式从“压制型司法”向协同型(合作型)司法转变,这为刑事诉讼程序合意及证据契约的萌生奠定了制度基础。在合作式刑事司法模式中,控辩双方在证据场域内的合作与协商符合理论与实践的发展趋势。刑事诉讼模式的转型势必带来其证明模式的相应转变。与协商式刑事诉讼模式相适应的是合意证明模式。合意证明模式带有明显的契约取向。刑事证据法律关系主体可以在取证行为、证明对象、证据能力、证据方法和证明程序上通过自愿协商达成证据契约。刑事证据契约的样态有取证契约、证据能力契约、证据方法契约、证明对象契约和证明程序契约。
On the theory model and practice of criminal evidence contract. Song Zhijun, Northwest University of Political Science and Law, XIAN 710063.
【Abstract】With the establishment of the leniency system of confession and punishment, criminal procedure model transforms from repressive justice to cooperative justice which provides the foundation for the birth of the criminal procedure consensus and evidence contract. In the cooperative justice model, the cooperation and negotiation between the prosecution and the defense in the field of evidence accords with the development trend of theory and practice. The transformation of criminal procedure model will bring corresponding transformation of its proof model.The consensus proof model fits with the cooperative criminal procedure mode. The consensus proof model has obvious contract orientation. The subject of legal relation of criminal evidence may reach agreement on evidence obtaining, proof objects, evidence qualification, evidence methods and proof procedure through voluntary negotiation. The main forms of evidence contract include evidence obtaining contracts, proof object contracts, evidence qualification contracts, evidence method contracts and proof procedure contracts.
【Key Words】Criminal evidence contracts; Consensus proof model; Evidence obtaining contracts; Evidence qualification contracts; Proof procedure contracts