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(1. 西南政法大学 刑事侦查学院,重庆 401120; 2. 西南政法大学 特殊人群心理与智能管理服务研究中心,重庆 401120)
【摘 要】强制医疗程序是我国刑事诉讼中针对精神障碍者触犯刑法而无刑事责任能力时采取的一种特别程序。具体实施过程中,法官对案件相关证据审查后可能驳回强制医疗申请,致精神障碍者重回社区。本文调查中国裁判文书网上强制医疗申请被驳回的 65 起案例,结合本地司法部门访谈及实务案件调研,针对强制医疗申请被驳回,揭示了现状,分析了原因,并就完善刑事强制医疗审批程序提出了应对措施,以期提升侦查取证与证据审查的科学性与合理性,在保障精神障碍者人权的基础上,降低精神障碍者再次实施危害行为的可能性。
Study of evidence in criminal compulsory medical examination and approval.—from a perspective of rejected cases. Xiang Jing1.2, Liu Yuhe1, 2.1. College of criminal investigation, Southwest University of political science and law, Chongqing 401120 China; 2. Research Center for psychology and intelligent control of special population, Chongqing 401120 China.
【Abstract】The compulsory medical procedure is a special procedure adopted in criminal proceedings in China when the mentally disabled has violated the criminal law yet without criminal responsibility. In the specific implementation process, the judge may reject the application for compulsory medical treatment after reviewing the relevant evidence of the case, causing the mental patient to return to the community. This article studies 65 cases (from the online database of the Chinese adjudication documents) where the online compulsory medical treatment applications were rejected. In addition, an empirical study based on interviews with local judicial departments and observation of practical case will be carried out. A profile of rejection of compulsory medical treatment applications will be drawn, and its root causes will be analyzed. Countermeasures thereof are designed to improve the scientificity and rationality of the investigation and evidence collection and the review of evidence, and to reduce the possibility of the mental patient’s re-performing harmful behaviors on the basis of protecting the human rights of the people with mental disorders.
【Key Words】Criminal case; Compulsory medical treatment; Approve; Evidence