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(福建省厦门市人民检察院,福建厦门 361012)
【摘 要】认罪认罚制度实践中,检察机关在审理程序由简化程序转为普通程序后可能面临举证不足或举证困难的风险。究其根源,既有诉讼高效推进中调查取证可能存在的不足或遗漏、供述依赖与认罪认罚之证据属性的冲突等因素,也与司法实践对法定证明标准的可能酌定降低适用有关。应对认罪认罚案件简化审理程序转为普通程序及潜在的举证风险,检察机关在司法实践中应坚持法定的证明标准,着眼于提前与侦查机关沟通或提前介入以引导侦查取证,并于审查起诉中重视认罪供述之补强。
Risk of proof within conversion of proceedings in guilty plea and its solution. Li Ruideng, The People’s Procuratorate of Xiamen, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China 361012.
【Abstract】In the enforcement of Chinese plea leniency, procuratorates may encounter the risk of insufficiency or difficulty in providing evidence when the trial procedure is transformed from summary to ordinary procedure.Root causes of this problem contain not only the deficiencies or omissions in the investigation and evidence collection during the efficient proceeding, the conflict between dependence on confession and the evidential attribute of guilty plea, but also the juridical reduction of statutory standard of proof. In order to deal with this problem, procuratorates should adhere to statutory standard of proof, and communicate with the investigation organ or intervene in the investigation in advance to guide case investigation and evidence collection, as well as corroborate the confession in prosecution review.
【Key Words】Guilty plea; Conversion of proceedings; Risk of proof; Standard of proof