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张凌燕 刘金文
(西南政法大学刑事侦查学院,西南政法大学司法鉴定中心,重庆 401120)
【摘 要】在我国鉴定体制的构建和完善过程中,对于“其他类”鉴定的管理存在诸多问题,主要表 现在管理的预期获益与诉讼的实际影响的矛盾,潜在诉讼需求与实际管理能力的冲突。其根本原因在于 “其他类”鉴定涉及领域广、行业多,其管理模式未尊重相关行业自身的发展规律。为了解决“其他类” 鉴定管理问题,需要改变以往的鉴定人管理模式,采用以诉讼需求为导向的专家证人模式,并以行业自 律和行政监管相结合构建质量监督管理体系,实现庭审实质化,保障庭审中“其他类”专门性问题得到 科学有效地解决。
Existing problems and reform on "other categories" appraisal management mode. Zhang Linyan, Liu Jinwen, College of Criminal Investigation of Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Forensic Appraisal Center of Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing, 401120.
【Abstract】In the process of constructing and perfecting the appraisal system in our country, there exist in the management of "other categories" appraisal many problems, which are mainly manifested in the contradiction between the expected benefit obtained from such management and the actual effect occurred in litigation, and the conflict between potential litigation demands and actual management capabilities. The fundamental reason is that the management model of "other categories" appraisal, which involves a wide range of fields and industries, does not respect the industries' own development laws. In order to solve the problem of "other categories" appraisal management, it is necessary to change the previous appraiser management model. It is necessary to adopt the expert witness management mode which is oriented by litigation demand, and to construct the quality supervision and management system which is directed by the both the industry self-discipline and administrative supervision, so as to realize the essentialism of court hearing and to ensure that the specialized problems in "other categories" be solved scientifically and effectively in the trial.
【Key Words】"Other categories" appraisal; Quality of appraisal; Expert witness model; Essentialism of court hearing