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孟 华
【摘 要】 真实关联度指符号反映内容的真确性程度;证据间性指不同证据符号之间相互关联、相互补足的关系;意指定律指符号的意指关系决定了结构关系。这三个术语旨在说明证据符号学的基本理论原则:证据处在一个符号关系场内,由意指关系(真实关联度)和结构关系(证据间性)构成,意指定律就是支配该符号关系场的基本规则。这个证据符号关系场与事实真相交织而构成了一个神秘的意义世界,科学研究的全部任务在于承认并接受这种神秘性的同时,力图澄清它。
【关键词】 证据;符号学;真实关联度;证据间性;意指定律
【中图分类号】 D915.13
【文献标识码】 A
【文献编号】 1674-1226(2011)01-0092-08
On the Three Basic Concepts of Evidential semiotic Science --Correlation Degree of Authenticity, Inter-evidentiality and Signified-meaning Law. Meng Hua. Ocean University of China, Qingdao 2661100.
【Abstract】 The “correlation degree of authenticity” refers to the degree of the authenticity which the symbols reflect.The “inter-evidentiality” means the interrelated or complementary relation between different evidential symbols. The “signified-meaning law” implies that the relation of connotation between the signifier and the signified decides the structure relation. These three terms mentioned above aim at explaining the basic theories and principles of evidential semiotics: the evidence is in a symbol-relational field which is consisted of the connotation relation (correlation degree of authenticity) and structure relation (inter-evidentiality). The symbol-relational field is controlled by the signified-meaning law, which is the fundamental rule. The evidence symbol-relational field ties with the facts, makes meaning abstruse and complicated and, forms a mysterious meaning of the world. Therefore, all the task of scientific research is to recognize and accept such a mystery , and try to clarify it.
【Key Words】 Correlation degree of authenticity, Inter-evidentiality, Signified-meaning law