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【摘 要】 国际刑事法院诉讼规则是一种混合模式,证据规则也不例外。而这种混合模式融合了大陆法系证据采纳的宽泛规定和普通法系证据收集、出示和审查中的对抗制因素。这种混合模式有其特定的成因,而大陆法系和普通法系对这一混合模式则存在不同的看法,本文从比较视角对这一问题进行了分析,并指出了其对我国证据立法的启示。
【关键词】 国际刑事法院;证据规则;混合模式
【中图分类号】 D997.9
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)01-0085-07
Study on the Hybrid Evidence Rule in the International Court of Crminal Justice:from the Perspective of Comparative Study of evidence Rule in Civil law and Common Law Jurisdiction. Dong Jingbo. China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088.
【Abstract】 International Court of Criminal Jusitce takes a hybrid approach in evidence rule-making. On the one side, it adopts no technical rules on evidence admission which is similar to civil law practice; on the other hand, it adopts common law approach with a trend towards civil law practice in evidence collecting, presenting and examination. There are different voices from civil law and common law perspective. This article introduces the current situation, gives the analysis on the above issues and points out the hinds on the evidence rule-making in China.
【Key Words】 International Court of Criminal Justice, Evidence rule, Hybrid approach