辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2011年第19卷第1期 双月刊


2011年第19卷第1期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



【摘 要】 有关被害人陈述制度,在刑事司法实践中存在诸多困扰和矛盾之处,被害人不同诉讼身份所带来的紧张关系对其陈述的证明力造成不利影响;被害人的控诉职能导致其自由陈述受到限制。新近立法对被害人陈述制度做出了部分努力,但仍不完善。因此,必须修正被害人身份冲突;确立人证取得以任意侦查为原则,以强制侦查为例外的取证规则;明确非法取证行为的审查主体及程序;确立翻证免受刑事追诉为原则,承担刑事责任为例外的规则。

【关键词】 被害人陈述;人证;非法证据排除

【中图分类号】 D915.13

【文献标识码】 A

【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)01-0076-09

Thoughts on Victim Statements from the Perspective of Science of Evidence Law. Zhao Xuguang. North China Electric Power University School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Beijing 102206.

Abstract】 The system of victim statement has many problems and contradictions in term of criminal justice practice. The role strain caused by victim’s different status unfavorably influences the probative force of his/ her statement.Victim’s accusational status limits his/her free statement. The latest law made some efforts to improve the system, but was still not perfect. Therefore, we must fix the tension, establish the rule that carries out random investigation and takes forceful investigation as exception, and the rule that implements exemption from overthrowing his/her previous satement and takes criminal liability as exception, and identify the examiner and procedure.

Key Words】 Statement of the victim, Personal testimony, Exclusion of Illegally obtained evidences


  1. 刑事被害人陈述的证据学思考_赵旭光.pdf (已下载次)