第1期 | 第2期 | 第3期 | 第4期 | 第5期 | 第6期 |
【摘 要】 本文从犯罪现场为基础,并以环境犯罪学观点,自国外实证研究结果就个人层级(理性选择理论)、社会互动层级(犯罪型态理论)、社会层级(日常活动理论)三种不同层次探讨性侵害加害者的决策模式(decision-making model)、犯罪空间型态(spatial patterns)、作案手法(modus operandi)与犯罪现场迹证(crime scene evidence)彼此关联性。并针对个案刘菖菖进行生命叙说之访谈,透过犯罪现场迹证及生命故事脉络交叉验证和修正对于心理迹证之假设,期盼形成有助于侦查实务的实践知识(practical knowledge)。
【关键词】 犯罪剖绘;性侵害;作案手法;心理迹证
【中图分类号】 D918.9
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)01-0005-15
Constructing Thematic Model of Crime Scene Investigation based on the Psychological Evidence. Fan Chao-Hsing. Ph.D.Candidate, Graduate School of Crime Investigation , Central Police University
【Abstract】 Little research has focused on whether individuals behave in psychologically or thematically consistent way in both sex offence and crime scene evidence. Current article is based on the psychological evidence and aims at reviewing how rational choice approach, crime pattern theory and routine activity approach issues affect sex offenders′ decision-making models. After describing the relationship among these three theoretical models, decision-making model, spatial patterns and geographic profiling, empirical studies present sex offenders′ characteristics, crime scene evidence and modus operandi. More, this article is concerned about different decision-making model, the hunting patterns and spatial typologies. The crime scripts of the sex offender Liu in Taiwan are also discussed.
【Key Words】 Criminal profiling,Rapists, Modus operandi,Psychological evidence