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陈卫东 程 雷 孙 皓 潘 侠 杨剑炜
【摘 要】 本文以法律职业群体和司法精神病学鉴定专家为调研对象,就刑事程序中的精神病鉴定及相关问题进行了调研,通过运用访谈、问卷、阅卷、调取司法统计数据等实证研究方法对目前我国刑事程序中精神病鉴定的现状、问题及成因展开了研究。研究的主要问题包括司法精神病鉴定主体与鉴定管理体制,鉴定程序的启动,公安司法人员对鉴定意见的审查、判断,对精神病人的强制医疗等问题。
【关键词】 精神病鉴定;启动难;鉴定意见;强制医疗
【中图分类号】 D919.3
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)02-0193-23
Field Research Report on Forensic Examination on Mental Disorder. Chen Weidong, Professor of Law School of People′s University of China; Chen Lei, Associate Professor of Law School of People′s University of China; Sun Hao, Pan Xia and Yang Jianwei, Ph.D candidates of Law School of People′s University of China.
【Abstract】 The field research focuses on views of police officers, prosecutors, judges, defense lawyers and prison guards as well as forensic experts on forensic examination on mental disorder. The empirical research methods include interview, survey, reviewing case files and collecting administrative data. It covers four main questions on forensic examination on mental disorder including experts and management of forensic examination on mental illness; initiating examination; check and use of expert′s opinion by judicial staff and involuntary commitment of mental disorders.
【Key Words】 Forensic examination on mental disorder, Difficulty of initiation, Examination opinion, Involuntary commitment