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陈志超 酆 芳 姚依哲 朱连亭
【摘 要】 由于立法的语焉不详,实践中法官对待经验法则的态度呈哑铃型的极端:避用和强用。鉴于经验法则在认定事实和适用法律上的独特价值,我们认为极端型适用模式并不可取,构建并完善该制度及其配套机制以充分发挥其功效才是司法者应有的态度,本文以司法实践中部分典型民商事案件为视角,缕析了经验法则的适用现状、困境,解构了经验法则的属性、局限,建构了合理适用经验法则所应遵循的基本原则和保障程序。
【关键词】 经验法则;自由心证;盖然性;程序保障
【中图分类号】 D915.13
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)02-0183-10
Study on the Experience rule of Civil Litigation. Chen Zhichao, Feng Fang, Judges of the Intermediate People′s Court of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province,
【Abstract】 Because of ambiguous language of legislation, in practice, the judge′s attitude towards the experience rule goes to a dumbbell-type extreme: avoidance of use and coercive use. In view of the unique value of the rule of thumb in fact-finding and law application, we believe that such extreme type is not desirable, and that the proper judiciary attitude is to establish and improve the system of experience rule and its related mechanism for fully developing its functions. Based on some typical civil and commercial cases, the paper analyzes the status quo and problems of the application of Experience rule, and deconstructs the attributes and limitations of Experience rule, and finally constructs the basic principles and procedural protection for its rational application.
【Key Word】 Experience rule, Free evaluation of evidence, Probability, Procedural protection