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【摘 要】 从事实认定制度发展的历程来看,经验法则是为将经验引入事实认定过程中并对其加以有效控制的一种独特机制。这种机制在大陆法系和英美法系有着不同的表述形式和内在制约机制。在我国,经验法则和法律推定是将经验引入事实认定过程的两种不同机制,它们在立法和司法实践中都存在某种程度的失控状态。这种失控状态的产生源于其内在制约机制的缺陷。只有从制约机制入手才能有效保障经验在事实认定过程得到恰当的运用。
【关键词】 经验;经验法则;事实认定;推定;盖然性
【中图分类号】 D915.13
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)02-0157-10
From Experience to Rule: Introduction and Regulation of Experience in the Process of Fact-finding. Wu Hongqi, Ph.D in law, Lecturer of Law School of Xiamen University, 100088.
【Abstract】 In the history of fact-finding system, we can find that the experience rule is one special mechanism which was made for channeling experience into the process of fact-finding. This mechanism has different expressions and constraints in the Anglo-American law system and Civil law system. The experience rule and legal presumption are two different mechanisms to channel experience into the process of fact-finding in China, and they are both, to some degree, out of control due to the defects of their inner constraints mechanism. Only by improving the constraints mechanism can we make appropriate use of experience in fact-finding process.