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【摘 要】 在审判实务上,无论是对案件事实的认定还是选择适用法律,均离不开经验法则。经验法则在盖然性上的强弱直接影响着法官对待证事实形成心证的状态,也影响着法官对于证据的自由评价。在认定案件事实上,经验法则与相关证据在功能作用上既相互关联,又互为区别。法官自应有一个对经验法则进行发现、认知、选择、判断和采纳的过程,并应密切关注其妥适性,以维护司法的公信度。
【关键词】 经验法则;司法领域;基本功能;实务应用
【中图分类号】 D915.13
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)02-0133-11
A Study on Experience Rule Applied in Judicial Function and Application. Bi Yuqian, Professor of National Judge′s College, 101100.
【Abstract】 In judicial practice, we can do nothing in either fact-finding or selection of an applied law without using the experience rule. The weightt of probability of the experience rule not only directly affects judge′s conviction on an undiscovered fact, but also influences judge′s free evaluation of evidence. In terms of function,the experience rule has both connections and differences with the related evidence in the process of fact-finding.The judge should go through the process of discovering, acknowledging,,selecting, assessing and adopting the experience rule, and pay a close attention to its proper application for guarantee of judicial credibility.
【Key Words】 Experience rule, Judicial field, Basic function, Practical application