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[意]Michele Taruffo 著 郑 飞 译
【摘 要】 在当今的司法程序中越来越多地应用科学技术来证明争议事实,但这种应用也存在一些争议和问题。有关证据和证明程序规则的存在,在本质上,并没有同科学证据的应用和采纳在任何方式上存在冲突。相反,如果存在非认知性的程序规则,其结果是这样的规则应该被撤销。除了物理、化学、工程学和遗传学等“解释性科学”得以广泛应用之外,心理学、社会学、历史学、人类学和人类文化学等“理解性科学”也逐渐在司法程序中开始应用。关于法庭科学证据的可靠性存在多种多样的问题,当新的法庭科学证据获取方法被发现和采用时,如果它们不遵循科学有效性的标准,那么它们将不能在司法程序中被采信为证据。
【关键词】 科学标准;科学证据;司法鉴定;事实证明
【中图分类号】 D915.13
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)04-0487-05
Applying Scientific Standards to Social and Forensic Evidence. Michele Taruffo, Professor of University of Pavia.
【Abstract】 In the modern judicial proceedings, the use of science and technology as a method of proof of the facts in issue is growing day by day, but there are still controversies and problems over such application. The existence of procedural regulations about evidence and proof does not conflict per se in any way with the utility and the admissibility of scientific evidence. On the contrary, if there are antiepistemic procedural rules the consequence should be that such rules deserve to be set aside. Not only the so-called “sciences of the explanation” such as physics, chemistry, engineering and genetics are widely used in judicial contexts, but also the so-called “sciences of the comprehension” such as psychology, sociology, history, anthropology and ethnology are also gradually used in the judicial proceedings. There are diversified problems existing in the reliability of forensic evidence. When new methods of forensic evidence are discovered and proposed: if they do not comply with the standards of scientific validity, they should not be admitted as evidence in a judicial proceeding.
【Key Words】 Scientific standard, Scientific evidence, Judicial appraisal, Proof of fact