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戴 锐
【摘 要】 证据排除纠纷的主体是当事人,当事人对于解决这种纠纷应当享有处分与主导的权利。因此应当给予当事人以基本的听证保障,构建起正当的证据排除程序。而合适的裁判形式的选择也关系到当事人的权利保障和法院职权的顺利行使。中间判决是适合于民事证据排除的裁判形式。民事证据排除裁判具备争点效。应当在我国构建合适的证据排除裁判。
【关键词】 证据适格性;证据排除裁判;争点效
【中图分类号】 D915.13
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)04-0425-06
On the Judgment and Effect of the Evidence Exclusion in Civil Procedure. Dai Rui,Chinese People’s Public Security University
【Abstract】 Parties are the subjects of civil disputes over qualification of evidence, so the parties must acquire the position to dominate the resolution of disputes. The parties should be given an opportunity to attend the hearing, and it is very necessary to establish a proper exclusionary procedure of evidence to guarantee the parties’ rights. Meantime, choosing a proper form of judgment is also very important to protect the parties’ rights and to ensure the execution of judicial power. The interlocutory judgment is the proper form in the civil exclusionary procedure. The judgment in the civil exclusionary procedure must maintain the effect of the reason. China should establish a proper judgment in the civil exclusionary procedure .
【Key Words】 Qualification of evidence, Judgment of an exclusionary procedure, Remedy system, Effect of reason