第1期 | 第2期 | 第3期 | 第4期 | 第5期 | 第6期 |
【摘 要】 我国刑事证明的印证模式突出表现了如下特点,系争内容由不同来源的证据提供同一性印证、证明程度排他性要求可能促成采用灵活性取证手段等。《办理死刑案件证据规定》之中有多处关于审查证据、采信证据和对全案事实认定的“印证”条款,这些条款体现了如下特点:需要印证的对象———主要针对证人证言、被害人陈述、被告人供述和辩解等容易因为出庭而出现反复的证据形式以及间接证据; 印证的目的———主要是解决庭审中翻证、 翻供以及作证资格缺陷和利害关系人的证言效力问题;印证的条件错综复杂,而印证的效力有一种法定证据制度的痕迹,同时又因为其语言模糊而可能存在滥用裁量权的嫌疑。针对印证规定的限度,第一,需要把以量取胜和依靠主观真诚和正当程序为基础的以质取胜相结合;第二,需要把靠证据说话与辩论、说理和质证等形式的意见之争相结合。
【关键词】 印证模式;以量取胜;以质取胜;靠证据说话;意见之争
【中图分类号】 D915.13
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)04-0401-14
Knowledge to Wisdom or Wisdom to Knowledge: Analysis of the “Verification” Provisions. Lu Erqi,Law School of Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005
【Abstract】 The “verification” mode of proof in China’s criminal justice is characterized as followed: the issues in dispute are proved by direct evidences from different sources, and the exclusiveness of proof might bring about the flexible methods to collect evidences. In “the Regulations about Some Issues of Reviewing and Judging Evidence in Dealing with Death Penalty Case”, there are many “verification” provisions regarding evidence reviewing, admission of evidence and the fact decision. These provisions involve that:(1) the objects of verification are often such categories of evidences as witness’ testimony , victim’s statement , defendant’s statement and apologia, which are easy to be overturned in court, as well as indirect evidences; (2) the aims of verification are mainly to settle down the problems of overturning testimony and confession and the effectiveness of testimony by disqualified witnesses or parties having an interest; (3) the verification conditions are very complicated and the effects of verification have a trace of system of legally-regulated evidence. There is a suspicion of abuse of decision power under the vagueness of law. Against the limitation of “verification” provisions, we should combine the quantity of evidences with quality of evidences with honesty and due process, and combine the evidence presentation with quarrels of opinions.
【Key Words】 Verification mode, Quantity of evidences, Quality of evidences, Evidence presentation; Quarrels of opinions