辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2011年第19卷第5期 双月刊


2011年第19卷第5期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期


白英杰 张海东

【摘 要】 法医学实践中,判断是否为“生前溺死”是法医学尸检及鉴定工作中的一个重点和难点,目前尚无能明确诊断溺死的生物学和法庭化学指标。 在溺死案件的诊断中,浮游生物检验是常见的方法。尽管目前还存在一些争议,但国内法医工作者认为,器官组织中浮游生物的存在仍然是判断生前溺死的重要证据之一。本文就国内外有关浮游生物的检验方法、检验标准及检验结果的判定等研究现状作一综述,旨在使人们更加清晰地认识浮游生物检验在溺死诊断中的作用。

【关键词】 法医学;溺死;浮游生物检验

【中图分类号】 D919.4

【文献标识码】 A

【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)05-0625-07

The Applications of the Detection of Diatom in Forensic Medicine. Bai Yingjie, Zhang Haidong. Central China University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030

Abstract】 Judging whether the exact cause of death is drowning or not is an important and difficult work of forensic postmortem examination and identification. The biology and forensic chemistry evidence related to the diagnosis of drowning have not been scientifically confirmed in the present practice of forensic medicine. The detection of plankton is a common method in the forensic diagnosis of drowning. The plankton discovered in the tissues and organs of drowning corpse is still considered as one of the most important evidences for the death caused by drowning among domestic forensic experts although controversies concerning the reliability of the detection exist. In order to provide a clearer understanding of the applications of detection of plankton for the forensic diagnosis of the drowning, we review the present study of the detection of plankton in this paper, such as the detection method, the inspection standard and the determination of test results.

Key Words】 Forensic medicine, Drowning, Detection of plankton


  1. 溺死诊断中浮游生物检验方法的研究现状及进展_白英杰.pdf (已下载次)