第1期 | 第2期 | 第3期 | 第4期 | 第5期 | 第6期 |
刘 洁
【摘 要】 本文引用民事诉讼测谎运用最为典型的案例,即江苏淮安中院再审崔景涛诉陈德勤借款纠纷案,首先列出反对者对测谎在该案例中的应用所提出的质疑,主要集中在测谎结论的证据属性和证明力两方面,接着本文相应地从这两方面为测谎结论在该案例中的应用证成。
【关键词】 民事诉讼;测谎结论;证据属性;证明力
【中图分类号】 D915.13
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)05-0615-10
Can polygraph conclusion be used in civil procedure?———Discussing the case Cui Jingtao v. Chen Deqin. Liu Jie. Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Sciences, Beijing
【Abstract】 This article refers to the most typical civil case Cui Jingtao v. Chen Deqin, which uses polygraph.The case is about a loan dispute retried by the Intermediate People′s Court of Huai’an City in Jiangsu province. The paper firstly lists the doubts of the opponents about the use of polygraph in this case ,mainly focusing on its evidence attribute and probative force. Then the author refutes the doubt correspondingly,aiming at supporting the use of polygraph in this case.
【Key Words】 Civil procedure, Polygraph conclusion, Evidence attribute, Probative force