辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2011年第19卷第5期 双月刊


2011年第19卷第5期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



【摘 要】 侦查实验是指侦查人员在刑事诉讼过程中按照科学的原则和方法,在模拟案件原有条件基础上所设计、实施的,旨在查明与案件有关的事实的存在、发生的可能性或其状态、过程的法科学活动。侦查实验笔录是侦查实验过程及结论的载体,是侦查人员按照法定格式制作的,用于描述和证明实验过程中发生的具有法律意义的事实状况的书面记录。在证据法学视野内探讨侦查实验笔录的证据能力与证明力是司法实践与法学研究的紧迫需求。从抽象角度观察,侦查实验笔录具有证明案件事实的价值,具备证据的关联性与合法性属性,具有证据能力。侦查实验笔录及其所记载的内容并非直接来源于案件事实,此系其与其他证据种类的本质区别,该属性决定了其证明的或然性特征。侦查实验笔录证明力的判断系事实判断问题而非法律判断问题,故应结合具体案件具体分析。

【关键词】 侦查实验笔录;证据能力;证明力

【中图分类号】 D915.13

【文献标识码】 A

【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)05-0581-13

The Evidentiary Effects of the Record of Investigative Experiment. Yang Dongliang. Law Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100720

Abstract】 Investigative experiment refers to legal scientific activity in which criminal investigators simulate the original condition of the case in accordance with scientific principles and methods in order to identify the possibility of existence or change of the facts relevant to the case. Investigative experiment record is the carrier of the process and the result of investigative experiment, which is made in accordance with the legal format by investigators to describe and demonstrate the facts occurring during the experiment. Judicial practice and legal academic urgently need deep research on the evidence competency and proof strength of Investigative experiment records.Abstractly speaking, An investigative experiment record with evidence attributes of objectivity, relevance and validity has the value to prove the facts of a case, so it has evidence competency. The Investigative experiment record and its contents are not directly derived from the facts of the case. This is the essential distinction from other types of evidence. This property determines the probability of its proof characteristics. The judgment on the proof strength of investigative experiment record is a fact judgment problem rather than a legal judgment problem, so it should be combined with a specific case to undertake concrete analysis.

Key Words】 Investigative Experiment, Admissibility, Probative force of evidence


  1. 侦查实验笔录简论_杨东亮.pdf (已下载次)