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【摘 要】 刑事司法鉴定制度的基本原则有丰富的内容,既包括刑事诉讼法的基本原则,也包括证据法的原则,还包括鉴定制度所特有的原则。其中,无论是刑事诉讼法中的基本原则还是证据法的原则,在鉴定问题上又都有其特殊的要求。 本文以刑事诉讼法的修改为视角, 从解决刑事司法鉴定程序失灵等疑难问题出发,选取其中不可替代的三个原则,即权利保障原则、程序法定及规范职权原则、中立与科学原则,进行简要论述,重点在于揭示上述基本原则,对于刑事司法鉴定制度建构和运行的指导作用和重要意义。
【关键词】 刑事司法鉴定;基本原则;程序失灵;程序法定;权利保障
【中图分类号】 D915.13
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)05-0548-14
On the Basic Principles of the Criminal Judicial Appraisal———from the view of the amendment of Chinese Criminal Procedure Law. Chen Xinge. Ph.D candidate of the Graduate School, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Associate Professor of Beijing College of Politics and Law, Beijing 102488
【Abstract】 The basic principles of the criminal judicial appraisal system , include the basic principles of the criminal procedural law, the basic principles of the evidence law, and the peculiar principles which are determined by the attributes of the judicial appraisal system. Either the basic principles of the criminal procedure law or the basic principles of the evidence law, have their special meanings in the judicial appraisal field. In this article, We briefly analyze three irreplaceable principles of, namely, the rights guarantee, legal procedures and restriction of power, and neutrality and science, in the view of the amendment of Chinese criminal procedure law.There are two objects of this article, namely to solve procedure failure and other problems, and to reveal the effects of these basic principles in guiding construction and operation of the criminal judicial appraisal system.
【Key Words】 Criminal judicial appraisal system, Basic principle, Procedure failure, legal procedures,Rights guarantee