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郑 曦
【摘 要】 美国联邦宪法第四修正案的证据排除规则是一项饱受争议的排除规则,曾经历过从严格适用到不断受限的发展过程,赫灵案的判决进一步削弱了该规则的基础。在未来,对该规则进行限制在相当长的时期内仍是一种主流趋势,其例外规则的适用范围将进一步得到扩张,而该规则本身的适用范围也将被进一步缩小。中国目前初步建立起了非法证据排除规则,在具体运用该规则时应当从美国的发展历史中学到一些经验。
【关键词】 美国宪法第四修正案;非法证据排除规则;赫灵案;中国新规定
【中图分类号】 D915.13
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)04-0531-08
The New development of the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution. Zheng Xi. the Ph. D candidate of the School of Crminal Law and Justice, CUPL Beijing 100088
【Abstract】 The U.S. Fourth Amendment Exclusionary Rule has been gone through a long history of disputes f from being strictly applied in practice to being restrained to use with some exceptions. The Herring v. United States case further developed this tendancy. With time on,, this rule will still be restrained in its application for a long time. There will be more and more exceptions to the rule, and the application scope of the rule itself will be narrowed down, too. Nowadays, China has initially established its Exclusionary Rule. We should learn some experience from the history of the U.S. Fourth Amendment Exclusionary Rule.
【Key Words】 the Fourth amendment of the US Constitution , Exclusionary rule, Herring v. United States,Chinese new regulations