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【摘 要】 本文以白描的手法勾勒了清代命案发生后,初次检验的运作情况。从中可以看出,清代的检验运作总体上是严谨的,由于官僚体制、诉讼模式等的不同,其呈现出与今日不同的面相。由于审验合一的特性,清代的检验在命案审理中之地位远较今日重要,检验是理解清代命案诉讼的一把锁匙。
【关键词】 命案;法医检验;清代;古代法医学;法医学史
【中图分类号】 D919.1
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)06-0731-20
On The First Inspection of Homicide Cases in Qing Dynasty. Mao Wei, Law Institute, the Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100720.
【Abstract】 This article introduces the operation of first inspection of homicide cases in Qing Dynasty with line drawing techniques. The operation, as a whole, was careful and precise in Qing Dynasty , but it shows some aspects different from today because of its bureaucratic system and litigation pattern. And above all, the inspection in Qing Dynasty is more important than today due to the mergence of inquest and inspection, and it is the key for us to fully understand the criminal proceedings of homicide cases in Qing Dynasty.
【Key Words】 Homicide cases, First inspection, Qing Dynasty, Ancient forensic medicine, Forensic medicine history