第1期 | 第2期 | 第3期 | 第4期 | 第5期 | 第6期 |
【摘 要】 经验法则根据其内容,可以分为科学经验与人文经验两种类型。 科学经验是理智正常的人通常所具有的、可以用判断和命题来表示的科学知识。 科学经验可以通过实验或计算的方式验证其真伪,其适用的正当性比较容易得到保障。人文经验涉及对某种社会现象的解释或对特定个体的行为赋予一定的社会学含义。它是一种客观性与可控制性较弱的经验,其适用的正当性更多取决于社会、心理、价值观方面是否“可以接受”以及是否与本案事实相“匹配”。
【关键词】 经验法则;普遍性;可接受性;匹配性
【中图分类号】 D918.9
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)01-0098-11
Study on the Rationality of the Application of Commonsense. Ji Gefei. School of Civil, Comercial and Economic Law, CUPL, Beijing 100088.
【Abstract】 Commonsense can be divided into science commonsense and human commonsense. Science commonsense is a kind of science knowledge which are hold by rational and ordinary people and can be expressed by estimation and proposition. Its objectivity can be validated by means of experiments and calculations which guarantee the rationality of its application. Human commonsense relates to the explaination of a social phenomenon and endows an individual behavior with sociology meanings. Human commonsense is less objective and difficult to be controlled, so the rationality of its application is more dependent on the acceptability by the society,psychology and social value as well as its aptness to the case concerned.
【Key Words】 Commonsense,Generality,Acceptability,Aptness