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樊学勇 杨 涛
【摘 要】 法医物证在刑事诉讼中发挥着多种功能,但目前实践中对法医物证的有效发现、提取、保管、检验鉴定及应用的技术规范和证据规则尚不完善。 本文从技术规范、诉讼程序以及证据应用的角度发掘法医物证应用的规律性内容,用以指导实践部门提高法医物证的发现、提取、检出的比率以及法医物证在刑事审判中的采用率及证明力,从而较好地解决定案证据的来源和案件事实的认定问题,并避免因法医物证错用而导致的错案。
【关键词】 刑事诉讼;法医物证;证据应用;鉴定;证据应用
【中图分类号】 D918.9
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)01-0060-08
Research of Forensic Application from Criminal Procedure Perspective. Fan Xueyong, Yang Tao. The Chinese People′s Public Security University. Beijing 100038.
【Abstract】 Forensic evidence plays a variety of functions in criminal proceedings, but in the judicial practice, the technical specifications and evidence rules for efficiently discovering, extracting, keeping, inspecting, identifying and using forensic evidence are not perfect. This paper aims to explore the rules for the application of forensic evidence from the perspectives of technical specifications, the proceedings and evidence application, so that we can guide the judicial departments to improve the rate of discovery, extraction, detection of forensic evidence, and the rate of adoption and the probative force of forensic evidence in criminal trials as well. Thus we can solve the problems of evidence sources and fact findings, and at the same time avoid wrong cases caused by the improper use of forensic evidence.
【Key Words】 Criminal procedure, Forensic evidence, Evidence application