辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2012年第20卷第1期 双月刊


2012年第20卷第1期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



【摘 要】 法医学是应用病理学、生物学、生物化学和其他医学科学理论和技能解决法律问题,为侦查和审判提供证据的科学。法医学学科属性是医学,其目的是解决法律问题,因而法医学同时具有自然科学和人文科学属性。现今,我们对于法医学的研究往往局限在自然科学领域,而对其人文学科属性却有所忽视。当代西方法医学起源自中世纪的欧洲大陆,当时罗马法和教会法占统治地位,它们没有设立陪审团制度,而且允许对嫌疑人进行刑讯逼供,而英美法系的司法审判程序设立了陪审团制度。在这两种司法体制下,法医医学证言、证词逐步形成了两种形式:英美法系控诉式诉讼体制下的言辞证据形式和罗马法诉讼中纠问体制下的书证形式。本文将对中世纪欧洲的法医学进行溯源研究,从欧洲法医学的起源和发展角度,完善法医学史研究内容,为世界法医学史比较研究提供借鉴。

【关键词】 中世纪;欧洲;法医学;证据法;法医学史

【中图分类号】 D919.1

【文献标识码】 A

【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)06-0046-12

Forensic Medical History in Medieval Europe. Yang Tiantong. Lecturer of the Key Laboratory of Evidence Science,CUPL, Beijing 100088.

Abstract】 Forensic medicine is a science used to solve legal problems and provide evidences for investigations and trials by applying the scientific theories and technologies of pathology, physiology, biochemistry and other medicine subjects. The nature of forensic medicine is medicine and its aim is to solve legal issues, therefore,it has characteristics of both natural science and humane science. Nowadays, we always focus on medical theory or technique in forensic medicine research, but neglect its function to satisfy legal requirements. The origins of western forensic medicine lie on the medieval European continent where the Roman and canon law remained dominant, which excluded the jury system and allowed the use of torture on suspects. To contrast, the Anglo-American trial practice allows the jury system. This article reviews the legal inheritance of common law and the jury’s importance. Under the two systems, the forensic testimony gradually took shape in two forms of evidence:oral testimony under the accusatory common law and the written testimony under the inquisitorial Roman law. This article wishes to better improve forensic history research eventually and provide data for comparative study in the forensic history of the world.

Key Words】 Medieval times, Europe, Forensic medicine, Law of evidence, Forensic medical history


  1. 中世纪欧洲法医学溯源_杨天潼.pdf (已下载次)