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张 斌
【摘 要】 与科学证据有关的法律概念主要有大陆法的鉴定意见,以及英美法国家的专家证言。鉴定意见与专家证言之间,由于具有不同的证据法原理,不具有可比性。在英美法国家,科学证据应是专家证言的下位概念;在大陆法国家,科学证据与鉴定意见之间的关系,与鉴定的法律定位密切相关,要具体国家具体分析。明确这一点,有利于厘清我国科学证据的相关法律定位及其与鉴定意见之间的关系。
【关键词】 科学证据;专家证言;鉴定意见;关系
【中图分类号】 D918.9
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)01-0033-07
On the Triple Relationship of Scientific Evidence, Identification and Expert Testimony. Zhang Bin. Sichuan
University Law School. Chengdu 610065.
【Abstract】 The legal concepts related to scientific evidence are mainly the identification in civil law countries and the expert testimony in common law countries. The identification and expert testimony cannot be compared together due to their different evidence law resources. The scientific evidence is the subordinate concept to the expert evidence in common law countries, while in civil law countries, the relationship between the identification and expert testimony depends on the legal status of the identification. This now is very important to clarify the legal status of the scientific evidence and its relationship with the identification in China.
【Key Words】 Scientific evidence, Expert testimony, Identification