辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2012年第20卷第1期 双月刊


2012年第20卷第1期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



【摘 要】 科学证据是运用科学知识和科学方法对证据分析所得的判断意见。 因此,科学证据属于意见性证言。为防止不可靠的科学证据对法庭的误导,英美法系国家建立了科学证据可采性规则,包括相关性规则、必要性规则、专家证人资格规则、排除规则、可靠性规则。美国科学证据可靠性规则经历了从Frye 规则、Daubert规则到修订后的《联邦证据规则》702 条的嬗变。我国对鉴定意见的审查主要限于相关性和合法性的审查。由于缺少对鉴定意见可靠性审查的指导与限制,导致了错误裁决的风险。本文提出确立鉴定意见科学可靠性规则的构想,以利于法官排除错误的鉴定意见,同时有助于法庭科学实验室的管理与制度完善,促使法庭科学实验室更严谨更科学地为法庭提供优质的法庭科学服务。

【关键词】 科学证据;可采性规则;可靠性规则;审查认定

【中图分类号】 D918.9

【文献标识码】 A

【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)01-0021-12

Study on the Admissibility Rules of Scientific Evidence. Liu Xiaodan. Law School, Renmin University of China, Beijing.

Abstract】 Scientific evidence is an expert opinion based on scientific knowledge and scientific methodology. In order to assist trial judges excluding unreliable scientific evidence which can misguide jurors or judges, the admissibility rules of scientific evidence have been established in common law countries, which include a relevance rule, a necessity rule, a qualified expert witness rule, an exclusion rule and a reliability rule. The reliability rules of the US include Fry test, Daubert test and the revised 702 rule of Federal Evidence Rule. Judges in China only examine the relevance and legality of expert opinion. The lack of judicial direction and restraints on the reliability examination of expert evidence creates a risk of wrong verdict. This paper propose that there should be the statutory rules for determining the reliability of expert evidence, which would help judges exclude sufficiently unreliable expert opinion and help forensic laboratories improve their administration and give courts excellent forensic science services more scientifically and scrupulously.

Key Words】 Scientific evidence, Admissibility rule, Reliability rule, Examination and determination


  1. 科学证据可采性规则研究_刘晓丹.pdf (已下载次)