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张 中 石美森
【摘 要】 在事实认定日益科技化的现代诉讼中,科学证据的使用越来越普遍。但由于人们对科学的盲目崇拜,导致了司法实践中对科学证据证明力的误解和盲从时有发生。事实上,科学证据的“科学性”有很大的不确定性,有些科学方法的有效性还有待验证。在操作层面上,检材的收集保管过程、鉴定设备和方法以及专家的知识水平和职业操守对科学证据的证明力均有重要影响。作为新一代的“证据之王”,科学证据虽然具有非常重要的证明价值,但仅凭科学证据定案是很危险的,从而需要给科学证据设立补强规则。
【关键词】 科学证据;证明力;补强规则
【中图分类号】 D915.13
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)01-0013-08
On the Weight of Scientific Evidence. Zhang Zhong, Shi Meisen. Key Laboratory of Evidence Science(China University of Political Science and Law),Ministry of Education,Beijing,PRC 100088.
【Abstract】 As fact-finding becomes increasingly scientific, scientific evidence is more and more common in modern lawsuit. However, people sometimes have cults of science, and they have misunderstanding of the weight of scientific evidence and follow it without any doubt. In fact, the “scientificity” of scientific evidence is very uncertain, and the validity of some scientific methods has yet to be validated. At the level of operation, the weight of scientific evidence is largely dependent on the materials collection, management process, the devices and methods of identification, and the knowledge and professional ethics of the experts. As a new generation of “King of the Evidence”, the scientific evidence has important justifying value, but it is very dangerous to find the fact only with scientific evidence, and so, it is very necessary to set up the rule of corroboration for scientific evidence.
【Key Words】 Scientific evidence, Weight of evidence, Rule of corroboration