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赵信会 谢庭树
【摘 要】 裁量性证据可采性认定模式可以解决司法体制运行中的诸多问题,其实美国证据制度改革之初就已经确立了裁量性的证据可采性认定模式,可以说裁量性证据可采性认定是美国证据法的重要内容。不过美国的裁量性证据可采性认定的百年历史中也出现了影响法的可预测性、损害司法公正、背离可采性规则的目的等缺点。受此启发,中国证据能力评价的裁量性模式可以借鉴威格摩尔的理论,以详细的、具有指导性意义的规则约束裁量权。
【关键词】 证据能力;裁量性;判断;约束;指导
【中图分类号】 D915.13
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)02-0232-11
The Free Discretion and Restriction on the Judgment of Evidence Admissibility—Revelation on American Reform of Evidence System in the Past One Hundred Years. Zhao Xinhui,Xie Tingshu. Law School ShanDong University of Finance and Economic, Jinan ShanDong 250014.
【Abstract】 The right of discretion to evidence evaluation can solve many problems in the judicial system. In fact, the United States has established discretional model of evidence evaluation in the beginning of its evidence law reform. We can say that the discretional model of evidence evaluation is an important part of American evidence law. But there have been some problems appearing in the past one hundred years of evidence law reform such as impacting the predictability of law, injuring the judicial justice and departing from the object of the evidence rule. Therefore, the discretional model of evidence evaluation in China should refer Wigmore’s theory and restrain the discretional power by the particular and detailed evidence rules.
【Key Words】 The competence of evidence,Discreion right,Judgement;Restrain, Direction