辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2012年第20卷第2期 双月刊


2012年第20卷第2期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期


【摘 要】 “韩寒代笔门”事件业已成为公共事件,韩寒拟以方舟子侵犯名誉权为由起诉至法院,如果成案,法院将面临判断方舟子一方提出的“韩寒有代笔”这一主张是否属实的难题。方韩案中关于韩寒有无代笔的证明责任可以由法院裁量分配。 方舟子一方采用间接证据证明的方式证明其主张,但由于方舟子一方所适用的经验法则具有盖然性,不同主体会得出不同结论,方舟子一方的推论过程存在极大争议。方韩案中,尽管法院有权行使自由裁量权判定代笔事件的真伪,但考虑到确证裁判可能引起的社会舆论压力,法院最有可能作出“证据不足以认定存在代笔事实”的“真伪不明”结论,适用证明责任规则,回避事实争议。即使代笔事件未得到确证,方舟子并非必然承担名誉权侵权责任,法院可以通过对过错要件的认定实现言论自由权与名誉权的利益平衡。方韩之争过程中,公众的证据科学意识得到前所未有的提升,但也暴露出一些非理性之处。

【关键词】 间接证据;真伪不明;过错;名誉权

【中图分类号】 D915.13

【文献标识码】 A

【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)02-0216-16

Analysis of “Han Han Ghost Gate Event” from the Perspective of Evidence Law. Chen Wei, School of Law,Beihang University, 10019.

Abstract】 “Han Han ghost gate event” has become a public event. Han Han claimed he would sue Fang Zouzi for the infringement of his reputation. If the claim is accepted by the court, the court will judge whether the Fang Zouzi’s accusation is true or not. The burden of proof in the case can be allocated by the court. Fang proves his accusation with indirect evidence by adopting an experience rule by which each individual probably has his (her) own conclusions; therefore, Fang’s reasoning is very controversial. Although the court has right of free discretion to judge the authenticity of the event, considering the pressure of public opinion, the court might very probably concludes the authenticity is unclear due to the insufficient evidences by applying the rule of proof burden and avoiding the fact-finding. Even though, Fang will not be subject to the infringement of Han’s reputation. And the court can realize the balance between free speech and right to reputation by identifying the fault elements.Through this case, the public’s awareness of the forensic science has been greatly increased although there are some irrational matters existing.

Key Words】 Presumption of fact, Unclear authenticity, Fault, Right to reputation


  1. _韩寒代笔门_事件的证据法分析_陈巍.pdf (已下载次)