辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2012年第20卷第2期 双月刊


2012年第20卷第2期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



【摘 要】 辨认笔录作为新型的证据种类为新《刑事诉讼法》所确认,在辨认程序缺乏立法规制的情况下,如何对其可靠性和合法性进行审查判断成为实践中的难题。“两院三部”联合制定的《死刑案件证据规定》初步确立了辨认结果的审查判断规则,为法庭审查和采信辨认证据提供了一定的根据。但是,在辨认录像制度、见证人在场制度以及警察出庭作证制度尚未有效确立的情况下,对具有“传闻证据”性质的辨认笔录采用书面审查的方法仍具有相当大的局限性,不但难以发现辨认过程中存在的程序瑕疵和程序违法问题,而且无法完成对辨认结果可靠性的实质审查任务。本文针对我国侦查实践中常用的列队辨认和照片辨认程序,提出了具体的审查内容和方法,对“暗示性辨认”提出了具有可操作性的判断规则。对于辨认结果证据能力的认定,可以借鉴美国的“总体情况规则”,采用“可靠性”判断标准,对于违反辨认规则获得的辨认结果,并不当然否定其证据能力,当该结果获得了“真实性的情况保障”时,可以作为定案根据。

【关键词】 辨认笔录;列队辨认;照片辨认;审查判断;证据能力

【中图分类号】 D915.13

【文献标识码】 A

【文章编号】 1674-1226(2011)02-0165-12

The Examination, Ascertainment and Competency of Identification Record in Criminal Proceedings—From the Perspective of Re-amendment of Criminal Procedure Law. Han Xu, Resarcher, Law Research Institute, Sichuan Academy of Social Science.

Abstract】 While identification record as a type of evidence is widely used in criminal trial, there has been no rule on how to examine and ascertain it or how to decide on the competency of it. The “Uniform Provisions of Evidence on Capital Cases” enacted jointly by the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and three other Ministries has established the elementary rules on the examination and ascertainment of identification record. However, without proper rules on identification recording, witness’s appearance in court and police’s appearance in court, the examination of identification record in written form which is essentially a kind of “hearsay” has many limitations: it is not only hard to find the breach of the procedural law and other defects in identification, but also impossible to judge the reliability of the identification result. Centered on the commonly used lineup and identification by photography in our investigative practice, this thesis proposes on the contents and specific ways of examination, especially concerning the so-called “implicational identification”. Speaking of the competency of identification record, we can borrow the “General Circumstance Rule” of the United States and apply rules on “reliability” judgment. The competency of identification result achieved by violating identification rules should not be absolutely denied. When such result has “circumstantial guarantee of truthfulness” it can be used as evidence that can be used to determine a case.

Key Words】 Identification Record, Lineup, Identification by photography, Evaluation, Competency


  1. 辨认笔录证据能力问题研究_以新_刑事诉讼法_为视角_韩旭.pdf (已下载次)