辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2012年第20卷第3期 双月刊


2012年第20卷第3期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期


刘鑫1 高鹏志2


【摘 要】当前对医疗过错认定的原则讨论和研究比较多,也比较明确,但是医疗过错认定的规则却缺乏,且由于医疗过错鉴定规则的缺位,导致无论是医学会的医疗鉴定,还是法医开展的医疗过错司法鉴定,都处于一种混沌不清的状态,由此也导致多次鉴定且结论各异的现象。构建科学合理的我国的医疗过错鉴定规则体系乃当务之急。我国的医疗过错鉴定规则体系包括医疗过错认定的一般规则、医疗过错认定的特殊规则和医疗过错认定的排除规则三部分。医疗过错鉴定规则体系需要不断在实践中总结、检验、完善和扩展。

【关键词】 医疗过错;司法鉴定;规则;体系;侵权责任法;

【中图分类号】 D918.9

【文献标识码】 A

【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)03-0261-17

Study of System Rules of Medical Fault Appraisement.Liu Xin,Gao Pengzhi.Key Laboratory of Evidence Science(China University of Political Science and Law),Ministry of Education,Beijing,PRC 100088

Abstract】 Presently  there are so many discussions and studies on the principles of medical fault appraisement, but the studies on systematic rules of medical fault appraisement are in quite short.Such lack leads to many re-identifications and conclusions different from each other for the same case.Either the medical appraisement made by a medical association or the medical  fault appraisement made by a forensic is quite confusing. Therefore,in order to establish a rational system of rules of medical fault appraisement is very imperative.The systematic rules of medical fault appraisement should includes three parts: general rules of medical fault appraisement, special rules of medical fault appraisement  and exclusionary rules of medical fault appraisement. The system of medical fault appraisement need to be constantly summarized,examined, improved and expanded in practice.

Key Words】 Medical Fault,Forensic Science,Rules,System,Tort Law


  1. 医疗过错鉴定规则体系研究_刘鑫.pdf (已下载次)