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【摘 要】 指纹鉴定标准是指纹鉴定理论的核心内容之一。 指纹鉴定理论和实践中形成的最低特征数量 标准、质量—数量标准、面积—质量量化标准、拓扑学方法和标准、形态学方法和标准等均有其局限性。运用 统计学理论和贝叶斯定理建立指纹鉴定结论概率化方法和评价标准,不仅在理论和实践上具有必要性和可 行性,而且也可以避免指纹鉴定标准之争,使指纹鉴定从经验走向科学。通过统计每枚指纹平均细节特征数 量和每类特征的出现率,可以计算出两枚指纹匹配的概率值,进而对概率结论的可靠性作出分析评断。
【关键词】 指纹鉴定标准;指纹鉴定结论;贝叶斯定理;概率化
【中图分类号】 D918.9
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)04-0480-09
Study on the Criterion of Fingerprints Identification and the Probability of Fingerprint Identification Conclusion. Hu Weiping. The Judicial Identification Center of Xi’an Politics Institute, Xi’an PRC, 710068.
【Abstract】 The criterion of fingerprints identification is the hard-core of fingerprints identification theory.The one fold quantity criterion, quality and quantity criterion, area and quality by number, topology method and criterion, morphologic method and criterion in theory and practice are all have their localization. Establishing probability method by applying statistics theory and Bayesian rule is not only essential and feasible in theory and practice, but also avoids the debate on the criterion of fingerprints identification. Accounting the average minutiae of each fingerprint and appearance probability of each type, we can figure out the match probability of fingerprints, and then we can evaluate the reliability of the probability conclusion.
【Key Words】 Criterion of fingerprints identification, Fingerprint identification conclusion, Bayesian rule,Probability