辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2012年第20卷第4期 双月刊


2012年第20卷第4期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期


【摘 要】 实体法上广为讨论的犯罪故意认定问题,最终要在司法证明过程中进行。 在罪过难辨的疑案 中,裁判者应坚持无罪推定原则,作为区分故意与过失的最后一道屏障。对于故意这种“无法定义只能描述” 的复杂心理现象,以实体法上的抽象概念去界定不如以证据法上直观的类型化判断来把握。故意“概念的类 型化”,是以认识程度和意志程度之强度互补的弹性组合,在整体上表现出一种较之过失更应受谴责的主观心态类型化区分。 将十二个心态难辨的典型疑难案例代入六个开放的故意类型,能够发现这种方法转型的实践价值,裁判者也能够从中找到比较清晰的解释推理规则和更充分的说理依据。

【关键词】 犯罪故意;司法证明;无罪推定;概念的类型化

【中图分类号】 D918.9

【文献标识码】 A

【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)04-0449-09

Defining Criminal Intention in the View of Evidence Law. Chen Lei. Supreme People’s Procuratorate Procuratorial Theories Institute, Researcher. Beijing 100040.

Abstract】 As a hot topic in substantial law, the problem of defining criminal intention should be finally solved in the proving process. In those cases in which it is difficult to define criminal intention, the judges should stick to the doctrine of the presumption of innocence as the last barrier to distinguish between intention and negligence. The stylized method in evidence law is better than the conceptualized method in substantial law to define criminal intention which is a complicate psychological phenomenon that can not be defined but be described. The stylized concept of criminal intention is using a dynamic combination of the elements of cognition and volition to distinguish between criminal intention and negligence. Checking these six types of intention with twelve typical cases in this article, we can find the practical value of this transition of methods, and also the judges can find clearer logic rules and further reasoning basis.

Key Words】 Criminal intention, Judicial proof,Presumption of innocence,Stylized concept


  1. 犯罪故意认定的证据法学解读_陈磊.pdf (已下载次)